My name is Lizzy Tardy, born on February 5th 1990 in Holland. After high school I studied 4 years In & Outdoor Styling at Clusius College Hoorn. During this years I learned trend watching, interior styling and fashion styling. I wanted to learn more about fashion so then I studied for three years at the Voque Akademie in Amsterdam. Here I graduated in fashion design and fashion styling at a higher level. One of my studies was photo styling and this turned out to be my true calling, because everything I studied for and like to do, is combined in the work I do today. After getting my diploma’s I took a course photography. That way I can do styling and make pictures all by myself.
I like to think of myself as a positive person who is happy with what she achieved and always looking forward. I am a trend watcher not a follower. With my artwork I want to make you aware and stand still by what the artwork is telling you. Often combined with fashion you will see a beautiful picture but you will be made aware of the story behind it.